Using behavioural science to incentivize people to make positive changes for their energy use
Find on this welcome page of our tool links to profile-based content, a direct link to understand better what nudging means, and a library of resources to become a nudger yourself! Posters, banners, and more: pin them to your office or school to reduce collectively energy use!
Nudging people towards an efficient energy usage – Who are you?

I am interested in the topics of nudging and efficient energy use

I am a policymaker and interested in how to implement efficient nudges

I am interested in the NUDGE pilot cases and their respective investigated nudges
What are nudges?
Library of nudging material (banners, posters, links to material)
We are gathering here for you interesting tools, reports, communication material and campaigns that aim at nudging or educating people towards energy efficiency, lower energy consumption and general energy and water saving.
Follow IEECP (the partner leading this activity) on Instagram to join the campaign and challenges: @ieecp_eu. First posts include water saving, preventing forest fires, and more.