The ECO2 project ends and leaves us with fruitful resources
After 42 months, the ECO2 project came to an end.
NUDGE is happy to share below links to all resources that can be interesting to our readers, providing citizens/consumers the know-how they need when they want to become Energy Conscious Consumers.
- The online platform helps consumers change energy behaviour and take action to make their households use less energy and create smaller climate footprints.
This unique and content dense platform hosts 22 eLearning Actions covering the most important topics on behaviour change for households. Easy to use. Nicely designed. Delivered in 12 languages. Open for sign-in, non-sign-in and for Group Learning according to the choice of the user and providing different advantages.
- The “ECO2 Community” of institutions in 8 countries – Denmark (coordinator), Belgium (French), Cyprus, Greece, Ireland, Lithuania, Poland and Slovakia. These National Nodes of the community want to continue and expand the platform. The project will seek funding to have it translated to all European languages and beyond, and to expand the content.
- 9 Policy Briefs, most of them based on a series of policy-oriented seminars/workshops:
- 1 giving an introduction to ACT4ECO.
- 2 on the general policy relevant impressions from the ECO2 project.
- 3-7 with policy options inside the five Actions Themes on ACT4ECO.
- 8 reporting on two European policy co-creation seminars.
- 9 giving policy, innovation and design options developed by consumers and designers on problems of behaviour change that consumers are confronted with.
The stunning impression from a recent policy seminar was that very many, if not all, of the participants found it very important to have much more deliberation and co-creation about how policy can support behaviour change among citizens. It is an underestimated and underdeveloped policy area.
The ECO2 project website includes all public deliverables produced by the project, including documents that explain the way the platform has been built, including the way the consortium has used the existing knowledge about transitional learning.