Support behavioural policies by completing the NUDGE survey!
This survey supports NUDGE in creating consumer profiles and capturing consumer perceptions of own behaviour by considering a variety of psychological and contextual variables (household size and composition, economic incentives, technologies in use).

The survey’s purpose is to understand how we consume and save energy at home, gathering the following aspects:
- Consumer behaviour with respect to the energy consumption
- Intentions and perceptions with regard to the adoption of measures that enhance energy efficiency
- Household characteristics, building characteristics, and level of environmental conscience
This questionnaire addresses all European consumers of any gender, age, social status, etc. It is written in a clear and simple way so that anyone can answer the questions reflecting on their daily habits and their awareness about energy consumption and saving.
NUDGE has established media partnerships at international, European and national level to raise awareness and ensure the engagement of as many European citizens as possible. The media partners include The Innovation Platform, the peer review journal Resources and Environmental Economics, EKOenergy, and the Italian online magazine CanaleEnergia.