Closing NUDGE project in a final report outlining how we succeeded to explore the efficacy of behavioural nudges for energy efficiency
By Filippos Anagnostopoulos 🏠 The NUDGE field experiments in five EU countries have shed light…

NUDGE policy briefs: from nudging energy consumers to energy literacy
Five policy briefs were produced by NUDGE partners, on topics ranging from profiling and nudging…

RE-energising Europe – after event material now available!
One month ago, 7 EU-funded projects joined forces to organise their final event in Brussels,…

[22.11.23] Meet the NUDGE team at BEHAVE, 28-29/11/23 in Maastricht
Various sessions are planned at the 7th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency, see…

Insights from the recent workshop: Empowering Consumer Energy Saving and Sharing.
NUDGE recently joined for an online discussion about consumer-driven energy-saving solutions. NUDGE with sister projects…

NUDGE school material: 5 leaflets to teach about heating, water and nudging, in English, Dutch, French and German!
Did you know? One of NUDGE pilots is a school in Belgium, where interdisciplinary project-based…

The true cost of water and how to prevent wildfires – changing the narrative and tips
The campaign continues… Did you know? Choose wisely the clothes you wear or the food…

NUDGE newsletter – July 2023: a new tool, many events and lots to read for the summer!
This year NUDGE has lots to share with you, and the first is an invitation…

Article in Greek – NUDGE in the Athens University of Economics and Business newsletter
Οι ήπιες παρεμβάσεις (nudges) ως εργαλείο για τη δημιουργία αποδοτικών πολιτικών ενέργειας Το μεγαλύτερο μερίδιο…

Peer-reviewed paper – Self-consumption rises due to energy crises? An evaluation of prosumers’ consumption behavior in 2022
Prosumers with photovoltaic systems can reduce their electricity expenses by increasing their consumption of self-generated…

How to know when to use the energy produced by your own solar PV plant? Focus on NUDGE Croatian pilot
28 June 2023 – For the owners of household solar PV plants in Croatia, it…

NUDGE goes to Instagram – learn about nudging in our first post!
IEECP, the NUDGE partner leading communication activities for the project, has launched an Instagram account,…

NUDGE joins new cluster of European projects to make the smart energy transition a reality
In order to make the smart energy transition a reality, 19 projects came together under…

Blog-How have habits changed amid the energy crisis? Assessing self-reported energy-saving behaviours in Flanders
An article by Emma Martens and Peter Conradie, imec/UGent Recently, energy prices have been a…

Peer-reviewed paper – Why do people turn down the heat? Applying behavioural theories to assess reductions in space heating and energy consumption in Europe (2023)
Citation: Peter Conradie, Stephanie Van Hove, Sabine Pelka, Merkouris Karaliopoulos, Filippos Anagnostopoulos, Heike Brugger, Koen…

NUDGE newsletter – 3rd issue, March 2023
Dear reader, Welcome to the March 2023 edition of the NUDGE newsletter, where we provide…

Blog (EN/HR)- From Sunči app and nudging interventions to energy efficiency of your household / Uz aplikaciju Sunči i poticajne intervencije do novih energetskih navika
Uz aplikaciju Sunči i poticajne intervencije do novih energetskih navika – See here this blogpost…

Pilot results: interim report
This report documents the first batch of datasets obtained from the events and activities held…

Towards energy aware behaviours: how studies on young generations can inform better policy design: video, briefing and more!
This event aimed at empowering policymakers to engage the communities and in particular youth, giving…

Peer-reviewed paper –Beyond clustering: rethinking the segmentation of energy consumers when nudging them towards energy-saving behavior (2022)
Besides technological innovations in energy production and management technologies, the fight against climate change requires…

Peer-reviewed paper – Intervening me softly – Modeling nudging interventions to change EV user preferences (2022)
Abstract The charging of an increasing number of electric vehicles (EVs) leads to load peaks…

Open access article – Opportunities for Promoting Healthy Homes and Long-Lasting Energy-Efficient Behaviour among Families with Children in Portugal (2023)
Energy poverty vulnerability constitutes a significant concern in Portugal, with 17.5% of the population being…

Policy brief and poster – Profiling and nudging energy consumers to heat efficiently
NUDGE is set up to analyse people’s behaviour, design and test nudging interventions in five…

Nudges: what they are and some examples in a new comprehensive poster
Nudging is a soft push, that can make people act or react — and consume…

How NUDGE is crossing the bridge between changing our energy habits and moving away from our dependence on Russian gas
As energy prices keep soaring, and the struggle to adapt and decrease dependence on Russian…

[29.09.22] Towards energy aware behaviours: how studies on young generations can inform better policy design
EU Sustainable Energy Week 2022, September 29, 9.30-11.00 European Commission (Charlemagne building), Brussels + online…

Flemish people weigh comfort against energy savings – But how many of these strategies are already part of the Flemish savings palette?
An article by Stephanie Van Hove and Peter Conradie, imec Rising energy prices have been…

Podcast – Changing people’s habits
In this episode, host Mathias Steck, Service Area Manager for Renewables Northern Europe at DNV,…

NUDGE pilot focus – hear from the Spring-Stof school
In October 2021, the Spring-Stof school, a pilot in NUDGE, attended the kick-off of the…

Webinar material – Understanding energy consumers’ behaviour to design nudging interventions: first dive into the NUDGE project
This webinar built on the results of the first NUDGE activities and especially the Europe-wide…

[Newsletter] NUDG(E)-ing consumers towards energy efficiency through behavioural science
Dear reader, Our new issue of the NUDGE project newsletter is ready! Eleven partners across…

Co-creation workshops – evaluating and designing the project nudges
In the first half of October 2021 a series of co-creation workshops were organised in…

Research methodology for assessing the effectiveness of interventions regarding change of energy efficient behaviour
This report introduces the proposed methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the interventions. NUDGE presents…

Report – Profiling of energy consumers: psychological and contextual factors of energy behavior
This report builds on the results of the first NUDGE activities, especially the Europe-wide online…

The ECO2 project ends and leaves us with fruitful resources
After 42 months, the ECO2 project came to an end. NUDGE is happy to share…

Discover NUDGE in Croatian: webinar recordings available
ZEZ organised 2 webinars presenting NUDGE on the following topics: How to install PV system…

NUDGE newsletter – first issue out!
Welcome to NUDGE, and congratulations for getting on the train at such early stage! To…

Support behavioural policies by completing the NUDGE survey!
This survey supports NUDGE in creating consumer profiles and capturing consumer perceptions of own behaviour by considering a variety of psychological and contextual variables.

Discover NUDGE in a 15-minutes video!
Discover NUDGE in this short webinar recording, presented by the project coordinator Filippos Anagnostopoulos from…

NUDGE joins forces with other projects, discover them!
We are glad to start a partnership with key projects working, like NUDGE partners, on…

Rebound behaviours, nudges, competition: energy saving is a matter of mindset
Lowering consumption is not as simple as introducing a new gadget.

Five countries to become the field of behavioural experiments to encourage energy efficiency habits
Achieving the full energy transition potential calls for a paradigm shift…